
Best Google Docs Add-ons for Writers, Teachers, Students, and Developers

Google Docs is a popular cloud-based word-processing platform widely used by students, teachers, writers, and developers. Google Docs offers a variety of valuable features, including collaboration, accessibility, and ease of use. One of the major advantages of Google Docs is its add-on system, which allows users to extend the platform’s functionality and customize it to suit their needs. This article will explore the best Google Docs add-ons that can significantly enhance your workflow and productivity.

The importance of add-ons cannot be overstated, as they offer many features that are not available by default in Google Docs.

These add-ons can help streamline your workflow, improve your writing, make grading and assignments easier for teachers, and optimize your coding and development process.

With the right add-ons, you can save time and effort, increase efficiency, and produce better-quality work.

The following sections will explore the best Google Docs add-ons for writers, teachers, students, and developers. But first, it is good to explain how to install add-ons in Google Docs.

How To Add add-ons In Google Docs

To add an add-on in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, or Presentations on your computer, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the document, spreadsheet, or presentation you want to use.
  2. Click on “Extensions” and select “Add-ons,” then click “Get add-ons.”
  3. Browse the add-ons available and hover over the one you want to check for its short description. To see the full description, click on the add-on.
  4. Click “Install” then “Continue” to install the add-on.
  5. When prompted, review the message requesting access to the data required for the add-on to function. Click “Allow” if you agree to the terms.
  6. Once the add-on is installed, click “Done” to complete the process.

In case you need a video tutorial on how to add add-ons in Google Docs, see below.

In case your newly installed add-ons are not showing on Google Docs, read this guide to fix it.

Best Google Docs Add-ons for Writers

On Google Docs, you can as well write SEO-optimized content using some writing assistants. See below some tools you may need for writing generally on Google Docs.

A. Grammarly

Grammarly is a popular writing tool that checks your spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in real-time.

It also provides suggestions to improve your writing, such as alternative vocabulary, sentence structure, and style. Grammarly can be used for various writing purposes, including emails, social media posts, and academic papers.

But whether Grammarly’s price is worth it or not is another discussion.

B. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is another writing tool that provides a comprehensive analysis of your writing style.

It checks for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and more. ProWritingAid also offers suggestions to improve the clarity and flow of your writing, as well as a thesaurus and contextual thesaurus to enhance word choice.

C. EasyBib

EasyBib is a citation generator that simplifies the process of creating accurate citations in various styles, including MLA, APA, and Chicago. You can generate citations by entering the information manually or by scanning a book’s barcode. EasyBib also offers a plagiarism checker to ensure the authenticity of your sources.

D. Thesaurus

Thesaurus is a helpful add-on that suggests synonyms and alternative words to improve your writing. It also provides definitions and antonyms to help you better understand the meaning of words.

E. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer is a tool that analyzes your headlines to determine their effectiveness. It offers suggestions for improving your headlines’ clarity, emotional impact, and SEO value. This add-on can benefit writers who create blog posts, articles, or social media content.

Best Google Docs Add-ons for Teachers

A. Classroom

Classroom is a powerful add-on that streamlines the process of creating and grading class assignments.

With Classroom, teachers can efficiently manage their classes by developing and organizing classwork, assigning and collecting student assignments, and providing student feedback. Classroom empowers teachers to save time while ensuring their students stay on track.

B. Teacherly

Teacherly is an online classroom management add-on that enables teachers to manage their classes efficiently.

Teachers can use Teacherly to create lesson plans, assign and grade student work, track student progress, and provide student feedback. With its various features, Teacherly empowers teachers to save time, increase productivity, and deliver quality education to their students.

C. Form Publisher

Form Publisher is an add-on that simplifies the process of creating and sending customized feedback forms.

Teachers can use Form Publisher to create forms for collecting feedback from students or parents, generating progress reports, or completing surveys.

This add-on also allows teachers to automate the process of creating reports and sharing them with their students or colleagues.

D. Kaizena

Kaizena is an add-on that enables teachers to give voice feedback on student assignments.

Teachers can leverage this add-on to record and send audio comments, thereby providing personalized feedback to students. Kaizena can save teachers time and enable them to give their students more detailed and nuanced feedback.

E. Flubaroo

Flubaroo is a grading and assessment tool that helps teachers grade and analyze assignments quickly and accurately. Teachers can save time and enhance their workflow with the automation and grading features of Flubaroo. By allowing teachers to calculate grades and generate reports, Flubaroo ensures student work is graded consistently and fairly.

Best Google Docs Add-ons for Students

A. EasyBib

EasyBib is a citation generator that simplifies the process of creating accurate citations in various styles, including MLA, APA, and Chicago.

By using EasyBib, students can quickly generate citations for their research papers, essays, and other academic assignments.

They can enter the citation information manually or use the book’s barcode scanner to generate the citation automatically.

This add-on saves students time and helps them maintain accuracy and consistency in their citations.

B. Read&Write

Read&Write is an add-on that provides text-to-speech and writing support to students. It can read text aloud, highlight and define words, and provide spelling and grammar suggestions.

With Read&Write, students can improve their reading comprehension and writing skills and enhance their overall learning experience.

C. MindMeister

MindMeister is a mind-mapping and brainstorming tool that allows students to visualize their ideas and concepts.

By using MindMeister, students can enhance their critical thinking and creativity by creating and organizing their ideas, collaborating with peers, and presenting their thoughts in an orderly and coherent way.

This add-on provides students with an efficient tool that can help them express their ideas effectively and improve their skills in problem-solving and brainstorming.

D. Lucidchart

Lucidchart is a diagramming and visual communication tool that enables students to create diagrams, flowcharts, and other visual aids to enhance their learning.

This user-friendly and intuitive add-on allows students to create professional-looking visuals quickly.

Lucidchart can be especially helpful for students studying science, math, or other technical subjects.

E. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can provide answers to complex questions and solve mathematical equations.

Students can input a mathematical equation or scientific question into Wolfram Alpha and receive a detailed response with step-by-step explanations.

This add-on can help students save time and enhance their understanding of complex concepts.

Best Google Docs Add-ons for Developers

A. Code Blocks

Code Blocks is a Google Docs add-on that helps developers to format their code in a visually appealing and easy-to-read way.

This add-on allows developers to format and highlight their code in several programming languages, such as C++, Java, and Python.

As a result, it helps developers save time and enhance the readability of their code.

B. Sourcegraph

Sourcegraph is a code navigation and intelligence tool that allows developers to explore and understand source code in depth.

With this add-on, developers can search and browse code across multiple repositories and view intelligent code suggestions and documentation inline.

This add-on can help developers to work more efficiently and effectively with their code.

C. Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is an automation and scripting tool for G Suite, which can help developers to automate repetitive tasks and build custom functionality.

With this add-on, developers can create custom scripts to automate tasks, build custom add-ons, and extend the functionality of G Suite apps. This add-on can help developers to work more efficiently and improve their workflow.

D. Gliffy Diagrams

Gliffy Diagrams is a diagramming and flowchart tool that allows developers to create visual representations of their code and workflows.

With this add-on, developers can create diagrams, flowcharts, and other visual aids to enhance their understanding of complex code and processes.

This add-on can help developers to communicate their ideas and workflows more clearly and effectively.

E. Github

GitHub is a version control and code-sharing platform that allows developers to collaborate on code, manage projects, and track changes.

Developers can easily access and edit their Github repositories and collaborate with their team on code changes and updates using this convenient add-on for Google Docs.

This add-on allows developers to make their workflow more efficient and collaborate with their team members more effectively.


In summary, here is an overview of the best Google Docs add-ons:

WritingGrammarly, ProWritingAid, EasyBib, Thesaurus, CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
TeachingClassroom, Teacherly, Form Publisher, Kaizena, Flubaroo
StudentEasyBib, Read&Write, MindMeister, Lucidchart, Wolfram Alpha
DevelopmentCode Blocks, Sourcegraph, Google Apps Script, Gliffy Diagrams, Github

Google Docs add-ons can be powerful tools that can enhance productivity, collaboration, and creativity. There is an add-on for almost every task, from citation generators to diagramming tools.

By exploring and utilizing these add-ons and taking advantage of the best Google Docs tips, users can unlock the full potential of Google Docs and create more polished, engaging, and effective documents.

I encourage you to try out some of the add-ons discussed in this post and see how they can improve your work.

With just a few clicks, you can transform your Google Docs experience and achieve better results.

Whether you are a student, a teacher, a writer, or a developer, there is an add-on that can help you work smarter and more efficiently.

So, don’t hesitate to try them and take your work to the next level!

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